Workplace Center

Creating Workplaces Free from Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment and Violence, and Stalking

TESSA provides resources, training, and technical assistance to employers, survivors, co-workers, and advocates to prevent and respond to domestic violence, sexual harassment and violence, and stalking impacting the workplace.

Resources for Employers

Domestic and sexual violence and stalking affect millions of workers in the U.S..

Resources for Employers

We’re here to help employers understand the importance of addressing these issues and to collaborate on how to develop policies that work for their workplace. Every workplace is different, and there’s no one-size fits all approach. This resource center has the tools you’ll need to develop comprehensive programs so your workplace can both prevent and respond to domestic and sexual violence, and stalking.

Resource Library

Resources for Survivors or Co-Workers

Resources for Survivors and Co-workers. If you’re facing violence, or suspect a co-worker might be a victim of violence, we have developed resources that may help.

Survivors and Co-Worker Resources

Co-workers can play a significant role when it comes to preventing, recognizing, and responding to the workplace impact of domestic and sexual violence, and stalking. We can connect you with resources so that you or your colleagues can serve as “upstanders” and proactively address these issues instead of waiting for something to happen.

Resource Library


  • Engaging all workplace stakeholders and outside partners is key to ensuring the safety of workers and supporting employees that may be experiencing domestic or sexual violence at work or at home.


  • Employee and supervisor training programs, awareness raising activities, workplace violence policies-these are just some of the tools workplace stakeholders can utilize to implement proactive, multi-stakeholder programs that not only respond to the impacts of violence in the workplace but work toward preventing it in the first place.


  • Resilient workplace communities can both recover from incidents of violence when they occur, as well as support workers who experience domestic and sexual violence, and stalking at home or on the job.